Olfactory predator recognition in predator-naïve gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus)

Olfactory cues of predators, such as feces, are known to elicit antipredator responses in animals (e.g., avoidance, activity). To date, however, there is little information on olfactory predator recognition in primates. We tested whether the odor of feces of different predator categories (historical Malagasy predators and introduced predators) and of Malagasy nonpredators (control) induces antipredator […]

Auditory and visual threat recognition in captive-reared Great Lakes piping plovers (Charadrius melodus)

Captive rearing of endangered species for later release is a method used to augment critically small populations, although studies have shown lower survival and fitness for individuals raised in captivity. Since 1992, recovery efforts for the endangered Great Lakes piping plover population have included captive rearing, but released young have lower survival than wild plover […]