Effects of food preferences on token exchange and behavioural responses to inequality in tufted capuchin monkeys, Cebus apella

We examined the extent to which female capuchin monkeys show an [`]aversion to inequitable work effort’ by providing the monkeys with the opportunity to engage in token exchange tasks to earn either a preferred (grape) or nonpreferred (oat cereal) food item. In experiment 1, monkeys were paired with partners such that both were required to […]

Improved Nonhuman Animal Welfare Is Related More to Income Equality Than It Is to Income

The link between nonhuman animal welfare, income, and income inequality (Gini coefficient) was tested using consumption of animal products, laws protecting animals on the farm from the worst abuses, and animals used in experimentation as indicators. Experimentation on all animals and on rodents significantly increased in high-income European countries, although there was some evidence that […]