Effects of group composition on the grazing behaviour of herbivores

Animal behaviour is often a function of the animal’s physiological state. Groups of animals will often contain individuals with a range of physiological states and the grazing behaviour of herbivores is affected by their physiological state. This study compared the grazing decisions of animals in groups of single and mixed physiological states. Using a grazing […]

Individual and Sex-Based Differences in Behaviour and Ecology of Rat Snakes in Winter

Most research on the winter ecology of temperate-zone snakes is restricted to aspects of hibernation, because that is largely how snakes spend the winter. At lower latitudes, however, the same snake species may be active during winter, although why they are active and how much individuals vary in activity is unknown. We used radio-telemetry data […]

Interaction between sows’ aggressiveness post mixing and skin lesions recorded several weeks later

Group housing of pigs leads inevitably to more or less serious agonistic interactions during the establishment of the social rank order of the group. In order to reduce the number of severe agonistic interactions and thus the negative effects on well-being and performance, the use of genetic selection of calm sows maybe a possible strategy. […]