Group size effect on vigilance: Evidence from Tibetan gazelle in Upper Buha River, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

TibetangazelleProcapra picticaudata is a threatened and endemic species to the Qinghai-TibetPlateau. With the method of group scan sampling, we observed the behaviours of males and females of the gazelle in the two summers of 2005 and 2006, in order to test the groupsizeeffect on group vigilance. We found that male gazelles were significantly more vigilant […]

A survey of Australian dairy farmers to investigate animal welfare risks associated with increasing scale of production

Although large herds (more than 500 cows) only represent 13% of Australian dairy farms, they represent more than 35% of the cows milked. A survey of Australian dairy farmers was conducted to assess relationships between herd size and known or proposed risk factors for adverse animal welfare outcomes in Australian dairy herds in relation to […]

Invited review: Changes in the dairy industry affecting dairy cattle health and welfare

The dairy industry in the developed world has undergone profound changes over recent decades. In this paper, we present an overview of some of the most important recent changes in the dairy industry that affect health and welfare of dairy cows, as well as the science associated with these changes. Additionally, knowledge gaps are identified […]

A survey of Australian dairy farmers to investigate animal welfare risks associated with increasing scale of production

Although large herds (more than 500 cows) only represent 13% of Australian dairy farms, they represent more than 35% of the cows milked. A survey of Australian dairy farmers was conducted to assess relationships between herd size and known or proposed risk factors for adverse animal welfare outcomes in Australian dairy herds in relation to […]