The sensory basis of prey detection in captive-born grey mouse lemurs, Microcebus murinus

The sensory bases of food detection, food location and food choice in nocturnal primates are poorly understood. Grey mouse lemurs, Microcebus murinus, are omnivorous nocturnal strepsirhines and generally regarded a good model for the most ancestral primate condition. We set up a series of choice experiments in a controlled laboratory environment to investigate the roles […]

Is risk taking during foraging a personality trait? A field test for cross-context consistency in boldness

During foraging, animals have to balance the risk of predation with the energy gain. The amount of risk animals take for a given resource depends on their energy budget but is expected also to vary between individuals of different personality types. We tested whether individuals of free-ranging grey mouse lemurs, Microcebus murinus, forage risk-sensitively and […]