How many founders, how large a population?

Abstract The number of population founders and the size of the population are two important variables in determining how much gene diversity can be retained in a population. A model is developed to determine the most cost-effective balance of those two variables, based on comparing the marginal costs of increasing the number of founders vs. […]

Unpedigreed populations and worst-case scenarios

Abstract 10.1002/zoo.1030.abs A population in which parentage information is not recorded is considered a pedigree “black hole” in terms of genetic management. Integration of animals from such an unpedigreed population into a genetically managed population is often accomplished by assuming a worst-case scenario and recording all animals as highly interrelated (e.g., full siblings). The assumption […]

Effect of new founders on retention of gene diversity in captive populations: A formalization of the nucleus population concept

Abstract 10.1002/zoo.1430120605.abs A nucleus population is a small captive population genetically supported by periodic importation of wild caught animals. Periodic importation will allow nucleus populations to maintain the same amount of gene diversity as larger captive populations that do not import wild caught animals. The function of nucleus populations as envisioned by the IUCN/SSC Captive […]

Use of animals with partially known ancestries in scientifically managed breeding programs