Effect of increased floor space on aggressive behaviour in male turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo)

Under commercial rearing conditions, domestic turkeys are often aggressive towards ‘‘pen-mates’’, and this may lead to serious injuries or even death. We hypothesized that restricted space, as a consequence of high stocking density,might prevent the attacked bird from retreating fromits opponent to avoid serious consequences from an encounter. This study examines the aggressive response in […]

The effect of trough space and floor space on feeding and welfare of lambs in an intensive finishing system

This study examined the effects of floor space and feeder space on the feeding behaviour, growth and stress physiology of lambs, at different times, over a 6-week period in a finishing feedlot. A total of 640 lambs in four time replicates (160 lambs per replicate) were studied in four 40-lamb intensive finishing systems (feedlots) for […]