Statement and Resolutions on the Role of Captive Facilities in In Situ African Elephant Conservation

The IUCN Species Survival Commission African Elephant Specialist Group (AfESG) membership, at its general meeting in Burkina Faso in January 1998, debated the role played by captive facilities in the conservation of the African elephant. The Group areed on the following:

Giraffe husbandry and feeding practices in Europe: Results of an EEP survey

Problems of the locomotory system (like overgrown hooves, laminitis or joint problems) have been reported from the EEP giraffe population. To evaluate relevant husbandry practices and frequency of the problem, a survey was done covering EEP institutions (response to the questionnaire from 70 institutions representing 74 individually managed groups). 40 of the 74 groups reported […]

Hand-rearing Hoofstock: a Team Approach

There are many reasons for hand-rearing neonatal hoofstock in captivity. From 1989 until 1992 the Fort Worth Zoo had no male springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) or dama gazelles (Gazella dama). In 1993, when males were added to these herds, offspring began to be produced. Calves were rejected by first time mothers who had also been hand-reared, […]

Operant Conditioning of Apes to Facilitate Medical Procedures and Immobilizations


The Use of Psychopharmaceuticals to Control Aggressive Behaviors in Captive Gorillas

Unusually aggressive and violent behavior was seen in a captive twelve-year-old western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) during and after introduction to a group of two adult females and two juvenile male gorillas at the Franklin Park Zoo. In an attempt to control the aggression and minimize injuries, several psychopharmological drugs (drugs used to treat […]

Well-Being of Nonhuman Primates in Research


Modelling imaging performance of snake infrared sense

Several snake species use infrared-sensitive pit organs to localise prey. These sensory organs enable the snake to successfully strike prey items even in total darkness or following the disruption of other sensory systems. The pit organ has traditionally been thought to function as a pinhole camera. The need, however, to gather a reasonable amount of […]

Collaborative Enrichment

Unpredictability, Controllability, and Optimal Arousal/Stimulation Level as Applied to Zoo Environment Enrichment Theory and Practice

Success of zoo environmental enrichment, in spite of its widespread use and high significance for animals’ welfare, depends mainly upon keepers’ experience or the application of other zoos’ examples of daily practice. That’s why an algorithm based on some theoretical premises may be very useful for choosing the exact method of enrichment. We define the […]

Proceedings of The Fifth Annual Symposium on Zoo Research
