Sleep imaging and the neuropsychological assessment of dreams

Recent neuroimaging studies show that human rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep is characterized by a specific pattern of regional brain activity. Although this is usually interpreted in relation to physiological and cellular mechanisms, the specific regional distribution of brain activity during REM sleep might also be linked to specific dream features. Remarkably, several bizarre features of normal […]

Revisiting translocation and reintroduction programmes: the importance of considering stress

It is widely known that the adverse effects of stress must be considered in animal conservation programmes. However, a full consideration of how and where stress occurs in animal conservation programmes has not been undertaken, especially in translocation and reintroduction programmes. The literature concerning these types of programmes shows high levels of mortality, despite researchers’ […]

Group size and cognitive processes

Animal group sizes may exert important effects on various cognitive mechanisms. Group size is believed to exert pressures on fundamental brain structures that correlate with the increased social demands placed on animals living in relatively large, complex and dynamic social organizations. There is strong experimental evidence connecting social complexity, social learning and development of other […]