Modeling Depression in Adult Female Cynomolgus Monkeys (Macaca fascicularis)

Depressive disorders are prevalent, costly, and poorly understood. Male rodents in stress paradigms are most commonly used as animal models, despite the two-fold increased prevalence of depression in women and sex differences in response to stress. Although these models have provided valuable insights, new models are needed to move the field forward. Social stress-associated behavioral […]

What necropsy reports can tell us about menopausal and age-related changes in Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)

This paper explores age-related post-mortem changes in zoo-housed gorillas. Our previous research examined hormonal changes in zoo-housed ageing western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) females in order to assess whether they experienced hormonal menopause. We had the opportunity to investigate whether these females showed post-mortem changes similar to those seen in ageing human females, and […]