Attention to combined attention in New World monkeys (Cebus apella, Saimiri sciureus)

Co-orientation by capuchin (Cebus apella) and squirrel (Saimiri sciureus) monkeys in response to familiar humans abruptly switching the direction of their visual attention was recorded. Co-orientation occurred more frequently overall in capuchins than squirrel monkeys. Capuchins showed a tendency to habituate within trials involving consecutive attention switches performed by 2 different people, whereas squirrel monkeys […]

Between-group hostility affects within-group interactions in tufted capuchin monkeys

Between-group competition has long been thought to be a key factor influencing within-group social dynamics. In humans, it has been suggested that between-group competition may favour the emergence of within-group cooperation. However, between-group competition can also be hypothesized to induce social tension and cause within-group social relationships to deteriorate. So far, little research has focused […]