The impact of applied ethologists and the International Society for Applied Ethology in improving animal welfare

In the 35 years since the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) was founded, much of the scientific research done by applied ethologists has been concerned with understanding and improving animal welfare. There have been significant advances in conditions for farm and laboratory animals, but the overall rate of progress in animal welfare seems inadequate […]

Ethology applied to animal ethics

According to modern animal welfare legislation, animals should be protected from suffering and lasting harm not for the benefit of us humans as in earlier anthropocentric conceptions, but in their own interest. The driving force behind animal protection is our empathy with animals which triggers feelings of compassion. Empathy with animals most likely is a […]

Consciousness-raising in animal welfare through practical experiences with horses

In Italy, Law no. 189/2004 (enforced by law n. 201/2010) on safeguarding animal welfare establishes penalties for anyone keeping animals in conditions that are incompatible with their physiological or ethological needs. Thus, in order to recognize the condition of poor welfare or mistreatment, the training of a veterinarian needs to adopt a new approach to […]