Effects of Seasonality and Pregnancy on Hair Loss and Regrowth in Rhesus Macaques

Several studies have examined the etiology of alopecia, or hair loss, in rhesus macaques. While outcomes differ across studies, some commonalities have emerged. Females, particularly pregnant females, show more alopecia than males, and alopecia follows a seasonal pattern. Much research has explored causes of hair loss; however, alopecia can result from lack of hair growth […]

The effect of contraceptive implants on the behavior of female Rodrigues fruit bats, Pteropus rodricensis

Abstract 10.1002/(SICI)1098-2361(1996)15:13.3.CO;2-6 This study investigated the effects of a melengestrol acetate contraceptive implant on the behavior of captive Rodrigues fruit bats (Pteropus rodricensis). Eighteen female bats (nine controls and nine implanted animals) were studied over three 4 week periods: prior to implantation, immediately postimplantation, and 6 months postimplantation. The only significant differences found 6 months […]

Factors influencing hair loss among female captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)

Although rare among wild animals, hair loss is common among captive animals, which suggests that some aspect of the captive environment contributes to abnormal hair loss. Female rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) at the California National Primate Research Center (CNPRC) housed in outdoor enclosures exhibited hair loss that varied significantly by pregnancy, season, ground substrate, rank, […]

A scoring system for coat and tail condition in ringtailed lemurs, Lemur catta

Coat condition can be influenced by a wide variety of disorders and thus provides a useful tool for noninvasive health and welfare assessments in wild and captive animals. Using Lemur catta as an exemplar, we offer a 6-step scoring system for coat and tail condition, ranging from perfectly fluffy to half or more of body […]

Evaluating Paint Rollers as an Intervention for Alopecia in Monkeys in the Laboratory (Macaca nemestrina)

Adult female macaques (Macaca nemestrina) in the laboratory with alopecia from known or suspected overgrooming were subjects in a study evaluating effectiveness of a grooming device. The intervention evaluated was a paint roller on a metal bar hung on the cage, replaced weekly for 6 weeks. In a within-subjects design, 6 monkeys were randomly assigned […]

Alopecia in three macaque species housed in a laboratory environment

Alopecia is a persistent problem in captive macaque populations and despite recent interest, no factors have been identified that can unequivocally explain the presence of alopecia in a majority of cases. Seasonal, demographic, and environmental factors have been identified as affecting alopecia presentation in rhesus macaques, the most widely studied macaque species. However, few studies […]

Assessing significant (>30%) alopecia as a possible biomarker for stress in captive rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)

Differential relationships between chronic hormone profiles in pregnancy and maternal investment in rhesus monkey mothers with hair loss in the neonatal period