Activity patterns of predator and prey: a simultaneous study of GPS-collared wolves and moose

We studied the simultaneous activity patterns of a breeding wolf, Canis lupus, pair and five adult moose, Alces alces, cows from April to November 2004 in a wolf territory in southeastern Norway. All study animals were GPS collared, and we used a total of 8297 fixes to analyse their temporal activity patterns. We examined the […]

Nutrition and behavioral management of bottle-raised moose calves

Abstract 10.1002/(SICI)1098-2361(1997)16:63.3.CO;2-W The exceedingly high mortality rates generally associated with artificially raising neonatal moose frequently can be attributed to improper nutritional management and poor husbandry techniques. Dietary-induced diarrhea caused by inappropriate milk replacers is common in moose calves raised in captivity. To avoid diarrhea, calves are often purposefully underfed, resulting in poor growth rates during […]

Short-term digestible energy intake in captive moose (Alces alces) on different diets

Moose (Alces alces) are regularly described as problematic animals in captivity, mainly because of their particular digestive physiology and resulting feeding demands. According to the literature, moose regularly reject non-browse forages offered in captivity, which may indirectly lead to an overproportional ingestion of easily digestible feeds and thus chronic acidosis, which may in turn be […]