Individualities in a flock of free-roaming greylag geese: Behavioral and physiological consistency over time and across situations

The concept of personality implies individual differences in behavior and physiology that show some degree of repeatability/consistency over time and across contexts. Most studies of animal personality, particularly studies of individuals’ variation in physiological mechanisms, have been conducted on selected individuals in controlled conditions. We attempted to detect consistent behaviors as well as physiological patterns […]

Integrating animal temperament within ecology and evolution

Abstract Temperament describes the idea that individual behavioural differences are repeatable over time and across situations. This common phenomenon covers numerous traits, such as aggressiveness, avoidance of novelty, willingness to take risks, exploration, and sociality. The study of temperament is central to animal psychology, behavioural genetics, pharmacology, and animal husbandry, but relatively few studies have […]

Behavioral Syndromes-An Integrative overview

A behavioral syndrome is a suite of correlated behaviors expressed either within a given behavioral context (e.g., correlations between foraging behaviors in different habitats) or across different contexts (e.g., correlations among feeding, antipredator, mating, aggressive, and dispersal behaviors). For example, some individuals (and genotypes) might be generally more aggressive, more active or bold, while others […]

Interaction between sows’ aggressiveness post mixing and skin lesions recorded several weeks later

Group housing of pigs leads inevitably to more or less serious agonistic interactions during the establishment of the social rank order of the group. In order to reduce the number of severe agonistic interactions and thus the negative effects on well-being and performance, the use of genetic selection of calm sows maybe a possible strategy. […]

A multivariate analysis using physiology and behavior to characterize robustness in two isogenic lines of rainbow trout exposed to a confinement stress

Robustness is a complex trait difficult to characterize and phenotype. In the present study, two features of robustness in rainbow trout were investigated: sensitivity and resilience to an acute stressor. For that purpose, oxygen consumption, cortisol release, group dispersion and group activity of two isogenic lines of juvenile rainbow trout were followed before and after […]