Holistic Approaches to Optimal Wellbeing of Ageing Wild Animals

Promoting good wellbeing in ageing animals benefits from a holistic approach considering a wide spectrum of physical and psychological aspects, through the lens of 24/7 across lifespan. A particular focus on the hours care staff is not usually at a facility is key, and professional zoos endeavour to provide animals with choice and control to […]

Optimal Wellbeing of Ageing Wild Animals in Human Care

Many wild animals in human care live longer than their wild counterparts because of modern care and wellbeing programmes, leading to a growing demographic of ageing animals. This handbook is dedicated to their care. As an innovative expert publication, it integrates all aspects of professional care, including topics such as behaviour, ethics, environmental enrichment, training, […]

The evolution of senescence from a comparative perspective

1. Comparative studies of ageing address the evolutionary lability of the rate of ageing as an indication of potential for, and constraints on, the extension of life span. 2. Experimental studies on ageing have focused on damage induced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other stresses, and on the mechanisms to prevent or repair this […]

Ageing alters spider orb-web construction

Ageing is known to induce profound effects on physiological functions but only a few studies have focused on its behavioural alterations. Orb-webs of spiders, however, provide an easily analysable structure, the result of complex sequences of stereotypical behaviours that are particularly relevant to the study of ageing processes. We chose the orb spider Zygiella x-notata […]