The influence of thermoregulatory demand on contact crèching behaviour in Adélie Penguin chicks

(1) We tested the hypothesis that contact behaviour in Adélie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) chicks of crèching age is strongly influenced by thermoregulatory demand. (2) Estimated thermoregulatory costs (% minimal metabolic rate) for early crèche stage (1 kg) chicks were much higher (13.4–121.0%) than for late crèche (3 kg) chicks (0–45.1%). The incidence of contact behaviour […]

A Quantitative Analysis of the Incubation Behavior of Adelie Penguins

The incubation period of the Adelie Penguin was studied quantitatively to determine the behavioral requirements for successful reproduction. Incubation was divided into early, middle, and late periods to facilitate comparison between sexes and to evaluate activity in relation to stages of incubation. Analysis of time-lapse photo sequences showed that prone postures accounted for 87 to […]

Absence of daily rhythms of prolactin and corticosterone in Adelie penguins under continuous daylight

Plasma prolactin and corticosterone levels were measured in free-living Ad6lie Penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) at TorgersenI sland, Antarctica (64?S latitude), at 4-hr intervals throughout the day during early January 1997 and examined for evidence of a 24-hr rhythm. At this season and latitude, natural daylight is continuous. No significant change in the plasma level of either […]

Acoustic systems are adapted to breeding ecologies: individual recognition in nesting penguins

In all species of penguins studied to date, the display call, or parental call, has been demonstrated experimentally to facilitate identification between mates and between chicks and parents. We investigated parent–chick recognition in two nesting species, the Ade´lie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, and the gentoo penguin, P. papua. Through playback experiments, we tested the capacity of […]

A Novel Approach to the Treatment of Bumblefoot in Penguins

Bumblefoot in penguins is a serious disease that, if left untreated, can lead to death. Although unproven in penguins, the cause may be analogous to that in raptors where environmental conditions and husbandry practices are central to the cause and prevention of the problem. We developed a treatment protocol for bumblefoot in penguins that involves […]

Non-consumptive factors affecting foraging patterns in Antarctic penguins: a review and synthesis

Recent research has clearly shown that the fear of predation, i.e. aversion to taking risks, among mesopredators or grazers, and not merely flight from an apex predator to avoid predation, is an important aspect of ecosystem structuring. In only a few, though well-documented cases, however, has this been considered in the marine environment. Herein, we […]