Studying the behaviour and sensory ecology of marine mammals using acoustic recording tags: a review

Many marine animals use sound passively or actively for communication, foraging, predator avoidance, navigation, and to sense their environment. The advent of acoustic recording tags has allowed biologists to get the on-animal perspective of the sonic environment and, in combination with movement sensors, to relate sounds to the activities of the tagged animal. These powerful […]

Size matters: Impact of item size and quantity on array choice by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

The authors previously reported that chimpanzees ( Pan troglodytes ) showed a striking bias to select the larger of 2 candy arrays, despite a reversed reward contingency in which the animals received the smaller, nonselected array as a reward, except when Arabic numerals were used as stimuli. A perceptual or incentive-based interference occurred that was […]

Acoustic systems are adapted to breeding ecologies: individual recognition in nesting penguins

In all species of penguins studied to date, the display call, or parental call, has been demonstrated experimentally to facilitate identification between mates and between chicks and parents. We investigated parent–chick recognition in two nesting species, the Ade´lie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, and the gentoo penguin, P. papua. Through playback experiments, we tested the capacity of […]