When a habitat becomes a home: Housing and husbandry of spotted hyenas Crocuta crocuta at Disney’s Animal Kingdom®

When animals are moved between facilities, as is commonly done in zoos, it may take them time to acclimate to their new surroundings. One way that zoos can increase animals’ comfort in their new habitat is through training and enrichment programmes. In 2014, Disney’s Animal Kingdom® received two spotted hyenas Crocuta crocuta that had not […]

Do rapid assays predict repeatability in labile (behavioural) traits?


The role of behavior in temperature acclimation and tolerance in ectotherms

A review of field and laboratory investigations suggests that many ectothermic vertebrates can exploit the spatiotemporal distribution of environmental temperatures to maximize energy utilization and to enhance survivability. Diel and seasonal cycles in thermal preference, acclimation rate, thermal tolerance and heat-hardening may well be adapted to temporal variations in environmental temperature. In addition, many ectotherms […]

On the use of rapid assays in personality research: a response to Edwards et al

No abstract

Development and Validation of a Behavioral Acclimation Protocol for Cats to Respiration Chambers Used for Indirect Calorimetry Studies

Cats exposed to novel environments initiate stress responses by behavioral and physiological changes that modify metabolism and lead to the collection of unreliable data. Fourteen cats (10 ± 2 months) were subjected to an 11-week acclimation procedure to adapt to restriction within chambers used for indirect calorimetry studies. Cats were acclimated to chambers in their […]