Large brains in small tanks: intelligence and social complexity as an ethical issue for captive dolphins and whales

Publication Type:
Book Section
Year of Publication:
Lori Marino
Neuroethics and Nonhuman Animals
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Dolphins and whales are highly complex, large-brained social mammals. To date, thousands are kept in concrete tanks in marine parks and aquariums around the world. In these environments, they endure lack of control, lack of stimulation, and loss of the ability to engage in activities necessary for them to thrive. The fact that they are such complex, self-aware, intelligent beings makes it more difficult for them to cope in artificial environments, not less, as might be expected. This is because their needs cannot be met outside of their natural habitat. The only ethical response to this situation is to phase out the keeping of dolphins and whales for entertainment and to move those in commercial facilities to sanctuaries that prioritize their needs.


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