A Tail of Two Monkeys: Social Housing for Nonhuman Primates in the Research Laboratory Setting

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Year of Publication:
David Seelig
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science
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Despite great adaptability, most nonhuman primates require regular tactile contact with conspecifics for their psychological well being. By illustrating the inherent value of social contact and by providing clues to the best ways of satisfying this need, behavioral studies are useful in designing social enrichment programs. Although group housing is ideal for most gregarious primates, space constraints and protocol requirements may preclude such environments for macaques housed indoors. Pair housing is an effective and practical alternative. Furthermore, such social experience facilitates integration into future social groups, including those in postresearch retirement facilities. This article references common research protocols that accommodate pair housing and includes scientific recommendations for institutional animal care and use committees (IACUCs) to facilitate providing physical social contact for nonhuman primates in laboratories.


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