Growth and development of captive Geocrinia rosea (Myobatrachidae): A rare species analogue

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Year of Publication:
Lisa Mantellato, Glen Gaikhorst, Renee Kruger, Simone Vitali, Helen Robertson
Zoo Biology
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Using Geocrinia rosea as an analogue of the two threatened frog species, G. alba and G. vitellina, techniques were developed which contribute to an ex situ rearing program. We tested the effect of two levels of enclosure complexity on metamorph growth, and tested the effect of different substrate types on the success of egg clutch hatching and the subsequent development and growth of metamorph frogs. We found that the simplest enclosure was associated with the highest growth rates and better bone density of metamorphs, while a low pH sphagnum peat substrate was the better substrate for egg clutch survival and subsequent growth of metamorphs. Success of the program was highlighted by the rearing of second-generation frogs. These recommendations have now been applied to the captive management of the two endangered Geocrinia species. Zoo Biol. 32:374–380, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals Inc.


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